| 1. | To the greasy spoon and getting hamburgers 这就叫作
| 2. | 4 : i ve been so busy lately . last week i went to a greasy spoon with 上个周末我和一个朋友去一家小饭馆吃饭,这个星期
| 3. | Words and idioms lesson 2 : greasy spoon - 1 : honey , let me take you out to dinner 丈夫说: “亲爱的,让我带你去外面吃晚饭吧。
| 4. | How about just going down the street to the greasy spoon and getting hamburgers 咱们就上街那头那个小饭馆去吃汉堡包,怎么样? ”
| 5. | Greasy spoon greasy 是油腻的意思
| 6. | It looks like a greasy spoon but the potstickers are great and the price is cheap 那饭馆看起来不像样,可是他们的锅贴味道真好,价钱又便宜。 ”
| 7. | Several years ago , that cafe served fairly decent food , but now it ' s just a greasy spoon 几年前那间餐厅供应相当好的食物,但现在它只是间劣等餐厅。
| 8. | Question2 : speaking of greasy spoon , there is a hygiene problem , you know . so what do you think that 问题2说到路边小吃就有个卫生问题了你怎么看这个问题?
| 9. | I won ' t have time to eat lunch at the club house today . i ' ll just grab a sandwich at the local greasy spoon 今天我没有时间在会所吃午餐,我打算在附近的小餐厅吃个三文治便算。
| 10. | Conclusion : greasy spoon provides not only the cheap service but traditional feature of a city 回答:首先这是可以理解的不过也的确减少了一个城市的独特特色了尤其对旅游城市而言你不觉得吗?